It usually starts out slowly. A tree falls and you never get around to removing it. There’s an old car out there you know you’re going to fix one day. Maybe your washer died and got tossed outside as you frantically cleaned up water in your house. Junk happens. But it’s not safe to leave it lying around your yard.

All of those items become potential hazards in addition to eye sores. That old playset the kids who have long out grown it is now a rusty, sharp object danger zone an open yard. You, your family or your friends could get at cut that becomes infected. That washer that’s been sitting outside could fill with rain water. It’ll also become rusty, grow bacteria and attract mosquitos and other insects. Those mosquitos can carry any number of diseases, such as malaria, West Nile and more!

That old car can become protection from wind for all kinds of critters, mice, snakes, possums. You’d be none the wiser if you’re not interacting with it. Then one day one of the kids decides to check it out, they throw open an door and there sits an animal on its nest. They might sound cute but they will be on the defensive and could attack you or your family while trying to defend their home.

The same could be said for all sorts of junk piles, cluttered wood stacks and more. Anything left outside and unattended can be made into a home from insects, animals and bacteria. It’s more to trip over, get cut by, possibly catch fire, and it doesn’t look good. Having a junky or cluttered yard will really bring down the value of your home.

We understand how fast it can pile up on you. And at some point it becomes unsafe to try to handle this mess yourself. Even if it’s not quite that big a job, but you just don’t have time for it, we can help. We can do the heavy lifting. We can disassemble and load up all of that junk in your yard. And we can dispose of it properly. You don’t have to worry about the rules and restrictions of disposal in your area because we know it all and we will handle it for you.

We’re professional, we’re insured and we’re experienced. We can provide estimates ahead of time so you know what to expect with our services. The whole thing is quick and simple. We love our clients and often have repeat customers. We like helping you get rid of junk. We have the manpower, the equipment and the transport needed for all the stuff that can be found in your yard. We can do the hard work for you. We also have environmentally friendly recycling policies so you can be assured anything recyclable doesn’t end up in the dump.

Eliminate those hazards and unseemly looking items in your yard with Buffalo Junk Removal, the best junk removal in Buffalo NY.